Tuesday, January 1, 2019

19 in 2019!

Following the lead of Gretchen Rubin and Elizabeth Craft, cohosts of my favorite podcast Happier, I’m embarking on a list of 19 things I want to do in 2019.

1. Restart a blog! I miss reading all the blogs I read in the early aughts. I miss writing silly little posts about the silly things little things I love. To activate my writing muscles, I need to practice writing and I won’t write if I’m my only audience. Blogging gives me the illusion of other people reading it. In 2019, I will publish at least two blog posts each week.

2. Complete a Happiness Project! I’m a happy follower of the work of the aforementioned Gretchen Rubin. I love her podcast and her books especially, The Happiness Project. This year she is launching a yearlong course, The Happiness Project Experience and I’m going to actively participate in this class.

3. Visit a cat cafe! This one doesn’t really need explanation. I like cats. I like cafes. I'm going to go to one.

4. Send out Christmas cards! Every year I give treats and cards to my coworker friends, For the past three years, I haven’t finished sending cards to all my family and friends that live outside my midsized Hamlet. In 2019, I will mail Christmas cards to all my friends and family BEFORE Christmas day.

5. Join the Whatcom Museum! Here is another no brainer. I am a member of the Seattle Art Museum and go there more times a year than the museum in my own town. This year I will join it and visit it five times.

6.Finish craft projects!
I’m an avid starter of craft projects. I’m an abysmal finisher of craft projects. This year, I will finish one previously started craft project a month.

7. Play an RPG! I’m a game nerd that’s never played D&D. I’m interested in playing an RPG and on Black Friday I bought the beginner game for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. I want to find a DM and play it this year.  

8. Go to a game store event! I like to play nerdy games, but I’m not very good at them. I lose a lot. I’m also pretty embarrassed to play them with people I don’t know because I'm terrible at remembering rules. In 2018, I went to one Keyforge event. It was fun even though I lost all three of my matches. This year, I will go to at least one nerdy card game event at a game store.

9. Make my Apartment nice! Currently, my apartment is decorated in the style I call “Storage Unit chic”. It’s bad. There are piles of stuff everywhere. In early 2019, my apartment will look nice enough that I won’t be embarrassed if someone wants to visit.  

10. Go on the State of the Solar System walk! There is this fun statue downtown that I call Pac-Man because, well, it looks like Pac-Man. It turns out that it is actually a statue of the sun and it is the beginning of a scale model of the solar system, with plaques around town for each of the planets. I want to take this walk and find all the planets.

11. Take toy portraits! Sometime last year, I had the idea to take some of my action figures and toys out in nature and make little composed scenes with them. Did I do this? No! Of course not! Am I going to do it this year?! Yes!! At least once with my Luke and Yoda action figures.

12. Rock town and campus! A few years ago, I painted rocks and hide them along the route of the Bellingham Pride Parade. I also painted 100 small smiley face rocks and hide them around Cannon Beach, OR. Both were super fun experiences.This year, I will rock town once and also campus once.

13. Complete a 30-day yoga challenge! This one is another that doesn’t need much of an explanation. I like yoga. I’m going to do it once a day for 30 days in a row once this year.

14. See Improv Shakespeare in Chicago! This is a gimme of a goal. Bestie MJV and I are planning a trip to Chicago in April where our main goals are to see improv shows and eat and drink yummy food and beverages. We will definitely go see my favorite improv group ever The Improvised Shakespeare Company once (or maybe twice).

15. Cook new recipes! In 2018, I was in a major rut. I had a lot of cereal for dinner. I didn’t bake very many new recipes. This used to be a source of major joy for me and I think it still is. To find out, I’ll cook or bake from 24 new to me recipes this year

16. Use my toy cameras! I have a collection of little-used fun toy cameras. Some are film and some are instant. I almost never use them. This year I will complete at least one roll of film with each toy camera.

17. Use up my bath and beauty products! Somehow I have managed to collect a lot of bath bombs and sheet masks and I haven’t been using them. I’m going to use one of them a week until they are gone.

18. Visit the The George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary! There is a pretty great bird sanctuary just north of me. I’ve never been. I’m going to explore it once this year.

19. Plan a Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes happy hour! At PAX West 2018, me and Dupree played the super fun bomb defusing game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. I am going to organize a happy hour around this game this year.

If I keep to item #1 on the list, I'll update this space with my progress over the course of the year. If I don't, you'll never know if I completed this list!

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