Um, gross. Why would anyone want to eat a fetus shaped cookie? Who is this person that thought, "Hmm. I'm going to a baby shower.
It is baby themed. I'll bring cookies shaped like babies. Not born babies though; unborn babies! Mmm delicious!" Furthermore, who are the people that went to the baby shower, ate the fetus cookies and then encouraged the maker that there is a market for fetus shaped cookie cutters. Quite a few people had to green-light this hideous thing before it was brought to us consumers. Some things just ain't right and this is one of those things. If you disagree, you can purchase your very own fetus shaped cookie cutter from stupid.com.
P.S. If you've read all of the Cake Wrecks archive and would like to see some amazingly good-looking cakes and baby shower appropriate treats, check out Kellechu Cakes. My good friend Kelley, makes incredible Rock Band and other awesome non-wreck cakes.