One of my favorite things to buy at antique stores is cookie cutters. I have a small collection of ordinary shapes. Since cupcakes are my medium of choice, I don't decorate cookies very often. When I do, though, I like to have lots of options. Most of my cutters are standard like flowers, hearts, a snowman, and a football. The craziest (and favorite) shape I have is a mustache. I didn't think you could get too out there with cookie cutters. I thought there would be some things that people wouldn't want in cookie shape. For example, a fetus shape. That is a shape people would not be comfortable eating. Turns out, I was wrong. People do want to eat fetus shaped cookies, so much so that they need to buy a
fetus shaped cookie cutter.

Zandra pointed me to this entry at one of my favorite blogs,
Cake Wrecks, and although many of you may already read this fine blog, I thought this atrocity warranted further mention.
Um, gross. Why would anyone want to eat a fetus shaped cookie? Who is this person that thought, "Hmm. I'm going to a baby shower.
It is baby themed. I'll bring cookies shaped like babies. Not born babies though; unborn babies! Mmm delicious!" Furthermore, who are the people that went to the baby shower, ate the fetus cookies and then encouraged the maker that there is a market for fetus shaped cookie cutters. Quite a few people had to green-light this hideous thing before it was brought to us consumers. Some things just ain't right and this is one of those things. If you disagree, you can purchase your very own
fetus shaped cookie cutter from

P.S. If you've read all of the Cake Wrecks archive and would like to see some amazingly good-looking cakes and baby shower appropriate treats, check out Kellechu Cakes. My good friend Kelley, makes incredible Rock Band and other awesome non-wreck cakes.
Fetus cookies are horrible. I can't believe someone would think of those. I can barely look at them without gagging.
is it messed up that I want one so I can make a batch of fetus cookies for work? I just want to see how everyone would react......
and of course, you've seen the book of semen recipes, right?
@Carrie: No I haven't! Gross. While I do love reading cookbooks, I feel pretty oogy just thinking about it.
You are *so* missing the target audience for this. Just imagine what a hit these would be at a pro-life rally. But nobody would eat them. They'd just throw them at people walking into the clinic.
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