1. Mystery Weekend: I think we’ve attended the Mystery Weekend in Langely for six years now. It’s the best kind of girls’ weekend. We collect clues, interview suspects, and map out motives. Oh yes, we also do a lot of catching up, shopping, and eating. It’s good to be surrounded by those that have known you the longest.

3. Mr. T pattern: The full color pictures make me laugh every time I flip through the book.
4. Mr. Blue by Catherine Feeny: It’s just a sweet little song.
5. Super Diamond concert: Amazingly fun show with amazingly fun people to celebrate amazing roommate’s birthday. Bonus amazingness goes out to my new black dress.
6. Cupcakes and Zombies print: Two of my favorite things together. This will soon hang in my kitchen.

8. Books: I’m working on way too many now: World War Z, Happier, Blood Lite, Couch. It would be good if I actually finished a book sometime.
9. Cheese store: Bellingham’s Quel Fromage has way too many delicious cheeses. My favorite right now is called Barely Buzzed which has a coffee and lavender blend rubbed on it. Fancy, right?
10. Screen printing: Now that I have a giant tub of emulsion and four months to use it, I better make some more stuff. The only thing that impedes my progress here is my lack of Photoshop and drawing skills. It’s hard to make a design, but it is fun to print!
11. Roller Derby: The anticipation for this weekend’s match is building. I’m excited to go and cheer on F.L.A.S.H. Plus Laura got an amazing black eye at practice and I’m so jealous of it. She looks like a total bad-ass.
12. Carrie’s A Love Letter to the Lost: because it’s beautiful and perfect and I read it every day.
13. Downtown Bellingham art: There is a bunch of newish stuff on many street corners my favorite is the big tacky sword and the big red macaroni. I’m guessing it really isn’t called “big red macaroni” but that’s what it looks like and I haven’t been next to it to read a plaque.
14. De Blob: a strange, relaxing, adorable game for Wii.
15. Seeing Rob: I took a long weekend and went home to visit my brother while he was between training sessions with the Marines. Now that he is away from home, I value every opportunity to hug that kid.
16. Silly workouts: workout DVDs are some ridiculous fun. Lately I’ve done Shaun T’s Rockin’ Body and Working out to the Hit: Motown. I don’t know if they make me feel good because of the workout or because they are silly. I think it’s probably the silliness.
17. Music: I’ve been desperate for some new stuff lately, so I’ve been into the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Dan Auerbach and Neko Case.

19. Macarons: Cakespy profiled Honoeré, a new bakery on Capitol Hill. They make amazing macarons, which I first saw profiled on the Black Apple. I’ve been wanting to make them ever since, but need to taste a real one before I attempt it. Now I have the perfect place to go and try one and also the take pictures of the beautiful cookies.
20. Friends new and old: I’m lucky because thanks to old friends, I met some new friends last year. I feel especially lucky to have met Shannon because she is made of pure fun and wonderfulness. Thanks to my vast network of awesome friends, life is more fun and hard times more bearable.
1 comment:
Dear Mzzz. G.
Your list rocks! In addition to the Mr. T doll I check my mailbox daily in anticipation of, may I please request some sort of magical screen-printing poster to hang in my kitchen? About 11 x 17 might be best, nothing too fancy, to fit in with my other kitchen treasures. Thank you for your consideration, and your devotion to my ongoing happiness.
hugs and Angus kisses,
mssssss OC
p.s. I MISS YOU!!!!!!!
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